JMHS Quarringdon Heritage Conservation and Building at Risk Survey
JMHS Heritage Conservation Assessment

Conservation Area Appraisals and Assessments

A Conservation Area is defined as "an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance". Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 places a duty on every local planning authority to determine which parts of its area are of special architectural or historic interest and merit Conservation Area status and to prepare and publish proposals for doing so. The purpose of a Conservation Area Appraisal is to define what is important about the character and appearance of an area and to identify its important characteristics. It is also a vital tool to enable the active management of the Conservation Area. It identifies the area's special features and changing needs through a process that includes researching its historical development, carrying out a detailed analysis and preparing a character assessment.

Historic Building Assessments

Historic Building Assessments are often required before planning permission to ensure that the historic character of a building is dealt with sympathetically if it is to be re-used or to ensure that a record is made before demolition. JMHS Ltd has a dedicated Historic Buildings officer whose job it is to liaise with clients in order to assist them through the planning process. Projects range from pre-determination evaluation and assessment to the production of fully illustrated building record reports. The work is carried out to the CIfA’s Standard and Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation and Recording of Standing Buildings or Structures (Revised edition 1997).

Buildings at Risk Survey

A Buildings at Risk Survey comprises a rapid external assessment of the condition and use of a building. This, when considered in the light of previous experience, can allow a condition and criticality grading of the building to be produced, which can allow specific targeting of resources and actions. JMHS Ltd’s highly experienced staff can rapidly give an assessment of the condition and use of historic buildings. By employing a sound methodology together with considerable experience we aim to be highly cost-efficient, but also maintaining the highest professional standards.

JMHS Excavation and Post-Excavation - Pottery Artefact
JMHS Excavation and Post-Excavation - Bone Artefact

Post-Excavation Services

In the broadest sense, ‘Post-Excavation’ is a term used to describe what happens to all material gathered and records collected during the excavation phase. It includes the processing of artefacts and environmental samples, the creation of a database archive for written records and digital data, as well as the specialist analysis and interpretation of materials and samples, through to the publication of reports and ultimate archival of all material within an accredited repository or museum.

At JMHS Ltd, we provide comprehensive services for post-excavation analysis of prehistoric to post-medieval finds assemblages of any size.

  • Artefact Analysis and Identification

  • Conservation Consultation

  • Graphics and Illustration